Earned Media Placements
This section shows brief examples of recent work—always pieces of a much bigger campaign
PADS | Earned Media and Acquistion
We were thrilled to work with Pacific Assistance Dogs Society, where the organization netted earned media across Western Canada in places like Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary.
St. Paul's Foundation and Diamond Foundation
Neza Coffee | Earned Media
Survivors of the Rwanda genocide against the Tutsi recently launched a new fair trade coffee company in Vancouver, providing partial proceeds to fund mental health and trauma therapy for other survivors. We generated inspiring media coverage on the front page of the Vancouver Sun, Province Newspaper, Global BC and more.
Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses of Canada Society | Earned and Digital Media
We recently partnered with the Black Entrepreneurs and Business of Canada Society, helping launch their first ever Black Business Summit. We provided comprehensive support for everything from digital marketing ads, influencer amplification and earned media, where they were featured in the Globe and Mail, CBC National News, Global BC Morning, Vancouver Sun, and much more.
Backpack Buddies | Earned and Digital Media
Backpack Buddies recently captured headlines working to reduce child hunger. We were thrilled to get key placements on the front page of the Province Newspaper, on Global BC, CTV, CBC radio, tv and print, and more.
Acts for Water took on the mammoth task of increasing access to pandemic essentials like soap and clean, disease free water. It was phenomenal to help share their story on this front page story, and subsequently garner attention around COVID-19 vaccine distribution in other outlets like the Vancouver Sun and Global BC. These efforts were supported by advocacy and digital marketing.
Vancouver Sun Newspaper
Charity Puts Out Call For Help
When a pandemic fuelled bike shortage threatened the incredible work of Our Community Bikes, we collaborated to rally the region to help. Check out one of their recent articles in the Vancouver Sun and Province Newspapers, which resulted in a surge of support for those in need.
Charity responds to the threat of 'Summer Hunger'
Backpack Buddies is expanding to reach more communities facing child-hunger. It was wonderful to help the organization share its story on CTV Morning Live.
Global Morning News
Charity Protecting People with Albinism
Under The Same Sun is an incredible charity protecting people with albinism in Africa and beyond. It was phenomenal to help the organization share its story on Global BC Morning News.
Vancouver Sun
Charity Says Hoarding is Hurting Families
Backpack Buddies was able to sound the alarm about pandemic hoarding through articles like this on CTV News and this in the Vancouver Sun and Province Newspapers
Documentary Production
Nehemiah Construction
Just before the pandemic struck, we visited the Turkana Desert in East Africa to produce these promotional videos for Nehemiah Construction. You can watch an example of our promo videos here and here.
Ethical Christmas Gift Guide
Each year we get the chance to feature amazing organizations on this 'Feel Good Gift Guide' along with local celeb Aleesha Harris. Here we featured three impressive charities like JustPotters on our Ethical Christmas Gift List with Global BC.
Globe and Mail
Charity Implores Support for Hungry Children
Backpack Buddies is expanding to feed hungry children in new areas of British Columbia, and garnered this amazing placement in the Globe and Mail.
CTV Vancouver
Charity Feeding Children Expands

Very happy to work with Backpack Buddies, a charity expanding to feed hungry children and garnering well-deserved coverage in places like CTV, Global News, Vancouver Sun, Victoria Times Colonist, and Victoria is Awesome.
CTV Vancouver
Local Charity Makes History in Africa
Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation made medical history in Liberia and received some much deserved coverage on both CTV and CKNW.
Ethical Christmas Gift Guide
JusTea was featured in several Ethical Christmas Gift Guides like these articles in Vancouver Is Awesome, Burnaby Now, and Vancouver Courier.
Ethical Christmas Gift Guide
Amazing to feature three organizations, all improving the world in their own ways, on this Morning Show Segment. JusTea, Locally Global and Youth Unlimited are three groups that deserve to be on any Ethical Gift List. Special thanks to Vancouver Sun Arts and Life Editor Aleesha Harris for presenting the list so well.
Tea Transforms Lives
JusTea uses tea to help underemployed women and youth in Kenya. Super pumped to help them get some well-deserved credit on Breakfast Television & City TV News!
Former Child Soldier Shares Story
Jemal wrote a book about his struggle as a child soldier, spiral into addiction and homelessness as a result of childhood trauma, eventual recovery from addiction, and new life helping others. Great to get him placements in the Province and Sun Newspapers.
NEWS 1130
Former Child Soldier Pens Memoire
Extremely happy to help Jemal share his story on News 1130 Radio.
Jeremy wrote this Op-Ed in response to the tragic death of a homeless man, named Ted, inside a Vancouver Tim Horton's. See more of his homeless advocacy and Union Gospel Mission earned media mentions at www.ugm.ca/media-centre/
Union Gospel Mission
We invited NBA Superstar Jeremy Lin to serve the homeless at Union Gospel Mission, garnering national coverage. See more of my homeless advocacy and Union Gospel Mission earned media mentions at www.ugm.ca/media-centre/
Union Gospel Mission
After a homeless man was robbed while sleeping on the street, a group of us rallied on social media to right the wrong. See more of our homeless advocacy and Union Gospel Mission earned media mentions at www.ugm.ca/media-centre/
Ten Thousand Villages
Morning Show Live Interview: we were thrilled to work with Ten Thousand Villages, Canada's largest non-profit fair trade social enterprise, and land this placement on Global BC.
Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative
The Province Newspaper Front Page Story: Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative are one of the most deserving charities we know. This video accompanied a front-page article in the Province Newspaper and Vancouver Sun. Read the article here: http://bit.ly/2m8W1D2.
Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative
Global BC News Hour at 6: Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative recently expanded its gang prevention programs to Elementary schools. It was great to help them show what they do on BC's stop newscast.
NEWS 1130
Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative
News 1130: Yo Bro Yo Girl Youth Initiative recently expanded its gang prevention programs to Elementary schools. It was great to garner solid radio coverage across Metro Vancouver.
World Vision

Magazine: It was inspiring to write this article for World Vision's Childview Magazine, featuring a couple who turned their wedding into a fundraiser and took a honeymoon to see their sponsored child in Africa.
Union Gospel Mission
Global BC & Vancouver Sun: Jeremy helped UGM secure a lot of coverage in his work there as Communications Manager. These stories are two of his favourites. The first was a front page story in the Province newspaper and the second a Global News Hour special, both reporting on how UGM is using nature to help men overcome homelessness.
Mary's Story - Promotional Video
We were lucky enough to work with Save the Children Canada on six promotional videos, featuring their life-changing work.
Karen's Story - Promotional Video
We were lucky enough to work with Save the Children Canada on six promotional videos, featuring their life-changing work.